Singapore Savings Bonds (SBNOV24) Interest Rates Projection

SSB projection splash

02 Sep 2024 (Updated: 13 Sep 2024)

The next SSB (SBNOV24) is projected to have a 10-year average return of 2.60% p.a. with interest rates from 2.30% (year 1) to 2.92% (year 10). If you invest $10,000 in this SSB, you are projected to earn a total interest of $2,600 over a period of 10 years.

We have reached the first (of three) projection milestone. At this stage, at least 1/3 of business days in Sep 2024 have passed. The projected interest rates are preliminary estimates. They will continue to change, especially if interest rate moves up or down significantly in the remaining business days of Sep 2024.

You already know that the current SSB (SBOCT24) has a 10-year average return of 2.77% p.a. Why do you need to know the projected interest rate of the next SSB (SBNOV24)?

Knowing the interest rate of the next SSB before it is announced allows you to plan ahead and get the best return for your SSB investment.

For example, you might have limited amount of money to invest. If you know that the next SSB will have a higher return, you can confidently skip the current SSB and wait for the next one. Conversely, if the next SSB will have a lower return, you can proceed to purchase the current SSB without hesitation.

Projection is updated at the end of each business day. If you need to decide between current SSB (SBOCT24) and the next SSB (SBNOV24), check this page closer to current SSB's closing date (25 Sep 2024) when confidence of projection is higher.

SBOCT24 (Announced)

Opening Date
02 Sep 2024 Notify me
Closing Date
25 Sep 2024 Remind me
Allotment Date
26 Sep 2024 Notify me
Issue Date
01 Oct 2024
Year from issue date12345678910
Interest %2.592.592.592.772.822.822.822.892.952.97
Average return per year %2.592.592.592.632.672.692.712.732.752.77

Do you have an existing SSB? Is it profitable to swap your existing SSB with SBOCT24?

Check the health of your SSB portfolio with SSB Portfolio Analyzer.

SBNOV24 (Projected)

Opening Date
01 Oct 2024
Closing Date
25 Oct 2024
Allotment Date
28 Oct 2024
Issue Date
01 Nov 2024
Year from issue date12345678910
Interest %2.302.302.302.612.692.692.692.792.872.92
Average return per year %2.302.302.302.372.432.472.502.542.572.60

Projection is made based on the 1, 2, 5 and 10-year SGS benchmark yields. Calculations are made according to the SSB technical specifications (MAS), in a best-effort manner. The projected interest rates may differ from the actual ones which will be announced on 01 Oct 2024. You may also check the accuracy of our past projections.

* Confidence increases towards the end of month as more daily SGS yields become available. Latest daily SGS yield considered: 13 Sep 2024.

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